German language

How to pronounce fracture in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms break
Type of trauma, hurt, injury, harm
Has types open fracture, stress fracture, capillary fracture, closed fracture, comminuted fracture, complete fracture, compound fracture, compression fracture, depressed fracture, displaced fracture, fatigue fracture, hairline fracture, impacted fracture, incomplete fracture, simple fracture

it was a nasty fracture.
Type Words
Synonyms break
Type of wound, injure
Type Words
Synonyms break, fault, faulting, geological fault, shift
Type of scissure, fissure, crevice, crack, cleft
Has types inclined fault, strike-slip fault
Type Words
Synonyms crack, cracking
Type of break, breakage, breaking
Type Words
Type of discontinue, break off, stop, break

The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe.
Type Words
Has types refracture
Verb group break
Type Words
Type of break

The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle.
Type Words
Type of destroy, destruct

fracture the balance of power.
Type Words
Type of misuse, abuse, pervert

This writer really fractures the language.