German language

How to pronounce fight in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms contend, struggle
Has types bear down, bandy, wage, tussle, tug, tourney, assail, spar, skirmish, settle, scuffle, wrestle, war, oppose, joust, join battle, get back, fistfight, fight down, fight back, feud, fence, engage, duel, defend, attack, combat, chickenfight, chicken-fight, box, battle
Derivation fighter, fighting

Siblings are always fighting.
Type Words
Synonyms battle, conflict, engagement
Type of military action, action
Has types armed combat, pitched battle, combat, assault, armageddon, dogfight, naval battle
Type Words
Synonyms struggle
Type of assay, attempt, essay, seek, try
Has types push, tug, labor, flounder, drive, labour
Type Words
Synonyms combat, fighting, scrap
Type of struggle, conflict, battle
Has types fray, fisticuffs, fistfight, fencing, encounter, duel, dogfight, disturbance, beating, battering, banging, cut-and-thrust, close-quarter fighting, clash, brush, affray, whipping, tussle, set-to, rumble, ruffle, affaire d'honneur, rough-and-tumble, knife fight, in-fighting, brawl, impact, hassle, gunplay, gunfight, gang fight, free-for-all, scuffle, snickersnee, slugfest, skirmish, single combat, shootout, shock

a fight broke out at the hockey game.
there was fighting in the streets.
Type Words
Synonyms agitate, campaign, crusade, press, push
Type of advertize, push, promote, advertise
Verb group advertise, advertize, push, promote
Derivation fighter
Type Words
Synonyms defend, fight back, fight down, oppose
Type of struggle, contend
Has types resist, drive back, fend, fight off, hold out, rebuff, recalcitrate, repel, repulse, stand, stand firm, withstand
Derivation fighter

Don't fight it!.
Type Words
Synonyms competitiveness
Type of aggressiveness

the team was full of fight.
Type Words
Type of fisticuffs, pugilism, boxing

the fight was on television last night.
Type Words
Type of contention, arguing, argument, contestation, controversy, disceptation, disputation, tilt

a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate.