German language

How to pronounce facility in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms installation
Type of artefact, artifact
Has types zoological garden, arboretum, recreation facility, recreational facility, repository, sewage system, sewage works, sewer system, source, station, transit, transportation, transportation system, utility, water, water supply, water system, zoo, airfield, assembly, athletic facility, backroom, botanical garden, cafeteria facility, communication equipment, communication system, course, deposit, depositary, depository, drive-in, field, flying field, forum, gas system, grid, landing field, meeting place, menagerie, military installation, power grid, power system, range

the assembly plant is an enormous facility.
Type Words
Synonyms readiness
Type of effortlessness
Derivation facile

they conversed with great facility.
Type Words
Synonyms adeptness, adroitness, deftness, quickness
Type of skillfulness
Has types sleight, touch, manual dexterity, dexterity
Derivation facile

he was famous for his facility as an archer.
Type Words
Type of service

a cell phone with internet facility.
Type Words
Type of artefact, artifact
Has types toilet facility, convenience, wash room, comfort station, public toilet, restroom, public lavatory, public convenience