German language

How to pronounce event in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms consequence, effect, issue, outcome, result, upshot
Type of phenomenon
Has types reverberation, side effect, dent, spillover, wake, domino effect, wallop, fallout, aftermath, backwash, harvest, bandwagon effect, branch, impact, influence, knock-on effect, brisance, butterfly effect, materialisation, materialization, by-product, byproduct, change, outgrowth, placebo effect, position effect, product, repercussion, response, offshoot, offspring, coattails effect, coriolis effect, aftereffect, offset
Derivation eventuate

he acted very wise after the event.
Type Words
Synonyms case
Type of circumstance

in that event, the first possibility is excluded.
Type Words
Type of physical phenomenon
Type Words
Type of psychological feature
Has types occurrence, deed, group action, happening, human action, human activity, make-up, makeup, might-have-been, migration, miracle, natural event, nonevent, act, occurrent, social event, zap