German language

How to pronounce embellish in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms aggrandise, aggrandize, blow up, dramatise, dramatize, embroider, lard, pad
Type of hyperbolize, overstate, amplify, exaggerate, magnify, overdraw, hyperbolise
Has types glorify
Derivation embellishment
Type Words
Synonyms beautify, fancify, prettify
Type of meliorate, amend, ameliorate, improve, better
Has types shine, slick up, smarten up, suit, smooth, smoothen, tittivate, dress, curry, neaten, become, spiff up, spruce, polish, spruce up, window-dress, groom, titivate, dress up
Type Words
Synonyms adorn, beautify, deck, decorate, grace
Type of be
Has types ornament
Type Words
Synonyms adorn, beautify, decorate, grace, ornament
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types braid, broider, caparison, color, colour, deck, dress, dress ship, dress up, emblazon, embroider, enamel, encrust, engild, festoon, filet, fillet, flag, fledge, flight, foliate, fret, fringe, garland, garnish, gild, gild the lily, prank, applique, bard, barde, bead, bedeck, bedight, bedizen, begild, bejewel, beset, bespangle, blazon, hang, illuminate, illustrate, incrust, inlay, jewel, lacquer, landscape, paint the lily, panel, pipe, redecorate, scallop, smock, spangle, stick, stucco, tart up, tinsel, trim, vermiculate, wreathe
Verb group ornament
Derivation embellishment