German language

How to pronounce effect in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms consequence, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot
Type of phenomenon
Has types materialisation, materialization, offset, offshoot, offspring, outgrowth, placebo effect, position effect, product, repercussion, response, reverberation, side effect, by-product, aftermath, backwash, bandwagon effect, branch, brisance, butterfly effect, aftereffect, byproduct, change, coattails effect, coriolis effect, dent, domino effect, fallout, harvest, impact, influence, knock-on effect, spillover, wake, wallop
Derivation effectuate

the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise.
Type Words
Synonyms force
Type of validity, validness

the law is still in effect.
Type Words
Synonyms effectuate, set up
Type of make, do, cause
Has types serve, stimulate, accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, draw, execute, fulfil, fulfill, get, hasten, induce, precipitate, rush
Derivation effective, effecter
Type Words
Synonyms burden, core, essence, gist
Type of meaning, signification, import, significance
Type Words
Synonyms impression
Type of visual aspect, appearance
Has types mark, figure, tout ensemble, image

she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting.
Type Words
Type of move, act
Has types bring to bear, backdate, carry
Derivation effector, effecter

effect a change.
Type Words
Type of impression, feeling, notion, belief, opinion
Has types sound effect, special effect

he just did it for effect.
Type Words
Type of symptom
Has types aftereffect, bummer, side effect
Derivation effectuate

the effects of sleep loss.
the effect of the anesthetic.