German language

How to pronounce dwell in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms inhabit
Type of exist, be
Type Words
Synonyms inhabit, live, populate
Type of be
Has types lodge in, neighbour, nest, occupy, overpopulate, people, reside, room, shack, shack up, tenant, tent, bivouac, board, camp, camp out, cohabit, domicile, domiciliate, encamp, live together, lodge, neighbor
Derivation dweller, dwelling

this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean.
Type Words
Synonyms brood
Type of worry, care
Type Words
Synonyms consist, lie, lie in
Type of exist, be

The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country.
Type Words
Synonyms harp
Type of reiterate, ingeminate, iterate, retell, repeat, restate

Don't dwell on the past.