German language

How to pronounce design in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms blueprint, pattern
Type of program, programme, plan
Type Words
Synonyms figure, pattern
Type of ornamentation, decoration, ornament
Has types bear claw, linocut, mandala, marking, mihrab, motif, motive, argyll, pyrograph, polka dot, weave, triskelion, triskele, tetraskelion, tetraskele, tattoo, damascene, decal, decalcomania, argyle, device, emblem, herringbone, herringbone pattern, sunburst, screen saver

the coach had a design on the doors.
Type Words
Synonyms plan
Type of organization, arrangement, organisation, system
Has types hotel plan, meal plan, configuration, constellation, layout, snare, trap

the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult.
it was an excellent design for living.
Type Words
Synonyms aim, intent, intention, purpose
Type of end, goal
Has types final cause, idea, sake, mind, will, cross-purpose, view

he made no secret of his designs.
Type Words
Synonyms conception, excogitation, innovation, invention
Type of creativeness, creativity, creative thinking
Has types contrivance, concoction
Type Words
Synonyms contrive, plan, project
Type of create by mental act, create mentally
Has types map out, concert, map, plot

design a new sales strategy.
Type Words
Synonyms designing
Type of creating by mental acts
Has types planning

he contributed to the design of a new instrument.
Type Words
Synonyms plan
Type of create mentally, create by mental act
Has types engineer, draft, redesign, blueprint, draught
Derivation designing, designer

design a better mousetrap.
Type Words
Type of sketch, study

the design of a building.
Type Words
Type of conceptualise, conceptualize, gestate, conceive

She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day.
Type Words
Type of create, make
Derivation designer

Dupont designs for the house of Chanel.
Type Words
Type of create, make
Has types cut, tailor, make up
Derivation designer, designing

Chanel designed the famous suit.
Type Words
Type of intend, mean, think

She designed to go far in the world of business.
Type Words
Type of specify, designate, intend, destine

This room is not designed for work.