German language

How to pronounce count in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms number
Type of classify, separate, sort, class, assort, sort out

The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members.
Type Words
Synonyms consider, weigh
Type Words
Synonyms enumerate, number, numerate
Type of find out, find, determine, ascertain
Has types recount, miscount, census, add together, tote up, total, tot up, tot, tally, summate, sum up, sum, add up, add
Derivation counter, counting, countable

Can you count the books on your shelf?.
Type Words
Synonyms bank, bet, calculate, depend, look, reckon, rely, swear
Type of trust

you can count on me to help you any time.
Type Words
Synonyms reckon
Type of approximate, gauge, estimate, judge, guess
Type Words
Synonyms counting, enumeration, numeration, reckoning, tally
Type of investigating, investigation
Has types sperm count, recount, poll, nosecount, nose count, miscount, countdown, census, blood count

the counting continued for several hours.
Type Words
Synonyms matter, weigh
Type of be
Has types weigh, press
Type Words
Type of nobleman, noble, lord
Has types count palatine, landgrave
Type Words
Type of be

each answer counts as three points.
Type Words
Type of include

I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Type Words
Type of recite
Has types count down
Derivation counting

The toddler could count to 100.
Type Words
Type of number
Has types head count, body count, complement, circulation, sperm count, blood count, headcount, pollen count

a blood count.