German language

How to pronounce cook in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms fake, falsify, fudge, manipulate, misrepresent, wangle
Type of chisel, cheat
Has types juggle

cook the books.
Type Words
Synonyms captain cook, captain james cook, james cook
Type Words
Synonyms fix, make, prepare, ready
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Has types preserve, scallop, cook up, put on, flambe, keep, lard, precook, whip up, dress, devil, deglaze, concoct, escallop, whomp up, dress out
Verb group make
Derivation cooker, cookery, cooking
Type Words
Type of create from raw stuff, create from raw material
Derivation cookery, cooking

My husband doesn't cook.
Type Words
Type of trained worker, skilled workman, skilled worker
Has types cooky, fry cook, preserver, roaster, seasoner, chef, cookie
Type Words
Type of change integrity
Has types zap, bake, blanch, braise, brown, coddle, fricassee, fry, grill, micro-cook, microwave, nuke, overcook, parboil, poach, pressure-cook, roast, souse, steam, stew
Derivation cookery, cooking

These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes.
Type Words
Type of change, modify, alter
Derivation cooker

The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle.