German language

How to pronounce character in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms character reference, reference
Type of testimonial, recommendation, good word
Derivation characterise

requests for character references are all too often answered evasively.
Type Words
Synonyms case, eccentric, type
Type of adult, grownup

a real character.
a strange character.
Type Words
Synonyms fiber, fibre
Type of trait
Has types spirit

education has for its object the formation of character.
Type Words
Synonyms fictional character, fictitious character
Type of imaginary being, imaginary creature
Has types protagonist, agonist

she is the main character in the novel.
Type Words
Synonyms graph, grapheme, graphic symbol
Type of written symbol, printed symbol
Has types subscript, ideogram, ideograph, double obelisk, inferior, double dagger, capital letter, capital, blank, radical, minuscule, alphabetic character, upper-case letter, dagger, obelisk, uppercase, allograph, percent sign, percentage sign, check character, small letter, type, phonetic symbol, pictograph, space, star, stenograph, superior, superscript, rune, letter, letter of the alphabet, ligature, runic letter, asterisk, lower-case letter, lowercase, majuscule, mathematical symbol, ascii character, diesis

the Greek alphabet has 24 characters.
Type Words
Synonyms lineament, quality
Type of attribute, dimension, property
Has types texture
Derivation characterise, characteristic, characterize

the radical character of our demands.
Type Words
Synonyms part, persona, role, theatrical role
Type of enactment, portrayal, characterization, personation
Has types heavy, title role, baddie, villain, bit part, heroine, name part, hero, minor role, ingenue
Type Words
Type of inscribe, scratch, engrave, grave
Type Words
Type of attribute
Has types unit character
Type Words
Type of reputation, repute

he is a man of character.