German language

How to pronounce cell in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms jail cell, prison cell
Type of room
Has types guardroom, detention cell, tank, sweatbox, bullpen, dungeon, cooler, detention centre, hold, keep
Derivation cellular
Type Words
Synonyms cubicle
Type of room
Derivation cellular
Type Words
Synonyms electric cell
Type of electrical device
Has types fuel cell, voltaic cell, storage cell, solar cell, secondary cell, primary cell, photovoltaic cell, electrolytic cell, galvanic cell
Derivation cellular
Type Words
Synonyms cellphone, cellular phone, cellular telephone, mobile phone
Type of radiophone, radiotelephone, wireless telephone
Type Words
Synonyms cadre
Type of political unit, political entity
Has types sleeper cell, radical cell, terrorist cell
Derivation cellular
Type Words
Type of compartment
Derivation cellular

the cells of a honeycomb.
Type Words
Type of living thing, animate thing
Has types sertoli's cell, sertoli cell, sex cell, beta cell, somatic cell, arthrospore, archesporium, archespore, fibre, vegetative cell, acaryote, mother cell, fiber, fertilized ovum, zygote, parthenote, gametocyte, plant cell, germ cell, polar body, flagellated cell, embryonic cell, akaryocyte, formative cell, daughter cell, kupffer's cell, leydig's cell, leydig cell, recombinant, reproductive cell, blastomere, akaryote, blastema
Derivation cellular