German language

How to pronounce border in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms bound
Type of enclose, confine, hold in
Has types skirt, shore, verge
Type Words
Synonyms abut, adjoin, butt, butt against, butt on, edge, march
Type of contact, adjoin, meet, touch
Has types neighbour, neighbor
Type Words
Synonyms environ, ring, skirt, surround
Type of adjoin, meet, touch, contact
Has types cloister, gird, hem in, shut in, close in, inclose, enclose, fringe, girdle
Type Words
Synonyms molding, moulding
Type of edge
Type Words
Synonyms edge
Type of provide, supply, furnish, render
Type Words
Synonyms borderline, boundary line, delimitation, mete
Type of bound, bounds, boundary
Has types circuit, state line, state boundary, circumference, property line, fence line
Type Words
Synonyms frame, frame in
Type of enclose, close in, inclose, shut in
Type Words
Synonyms edge
Type of bound, boundary, bounds
Has types limb, brink
Type Words
Synonyms margin, perimeter
Type of edge, boundary, bound
Has types lip
Type Words
Type of edge
Has types verge, edging, selvedge, selvage

the rug had a wide blue border.