German language

How to pronounce background in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms downplay, play down
Type of accent, accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, punctuate, stress
Has types wave off, soft-pedal
Type Words
Synonyms ground
Type of vista, prospect, scene, aspect, view, panorama

he posed her against a background of rolling hills.
Type Words
Synonyms backcloth, backdrop
Type of scenery, scene
Type Words
Synonyms desktop, screen background
Type of screen, crt screen
Type Words
Synonyms scope, setting
Type of environment
Has types showcase, canvass, canvas, show window
Type Words
Synonyms background knowledge
Type of information
Derivation backgrounder

the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident.
Type Words
Synonyms background signal
Type of disturbance, noise, interference
Has types background radiation, background noise, ground noise

they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals.
Type Words
Type of heritage, inheritance

he is a lawyer with a sports background.
Type Words
Type of accompaniment, attendant, co-occurrence, concomitant

when the rain came he could hear the sound of thunder in the background.