German language

How to pronounce author in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms generator, source
Type of shaper, maker
Has types coiner
Derivation authorship, auctorial
Type Words
Synonyms writer
Type of communicator
Has types dramatist, contributor, joint author, poet, poetiser, poetizer, polemic, polemicist, polemist, abstractor, space writer, librettist, speechwriter, tragedian, literary hack, litterateur, gothic romancer, framer, alliterator, commentator, cyberpunk, journalist, compiler, versifier, scenarist, pamphleteer, paragrapher, scriptwriter, essayist, word-painter, wordmonger, wordsmith, ghost, lyricist, lyrist, rhymer, reviewer, ghostwriter, rhymester, abstracter, authoress, gagman, gagster, hack, hack writer, gagwriter, biographer, coauthor, folk writer, playwright, drafter, novelist
Derivation authorship, auctorial, authorial
Type Words
Type of indite, write, compose, pen
Has types co-author, ghostwrite, ghost

She authored this play.