German language

How to pronounce administration in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms brass, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation, organization
Type of body
Has types executive, bench, officialdom, management, judiciary, county council, top brass, curia, government officials
Derivation administer

he claims that the present administration is corrupt.
Type Words
Synonyms judicature
Type of justice
Type Words
Synonyms governance, governing, government, government activity
Type of social control
Has types trust busting, lawmaking, legislating, legislation, misgovernment, misrule
Type Words
Synonyms presidency, presidential term
Type of term of office, tenure, incumbency
Derivation administer

things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration.
Type Words
Synonyms disposal
Type of management, direction
Has types organisation, conducting, polity, line management, running, organization
Derivation administer
Type Words
Synonyms giving medication
Type of medication
Has types drip feed, sedation, drugging
Derivation administer