German language

How to pronounce abnormalcy in German?

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Synonyms abnormality
Type of physiological condition, physiological state, physical condition
Has types abrachia, acardia, acephalia, acephalism, acephaly, acorea, acromicria, acromikria, acromphalus, amastia, aneuploidy, anomalousness, anomaly, anorchia, anorchidism, anorchism, arrested development, asynclitism, atresia, atypicality, brachydactylia, brachydactyly, cryptorchidism, cryptorchidy, cryptorchism, cyclopia, deviance, deviated septum, dextrocardia, dysplasia, ectrodactyly, erethism, fetal distress, fixation, foetal distress, gynecomastia, hepatomegaly, heterotaxy, hydatid mole, hydatidiform mole, hydramnios, hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly, hypervitaminosis, hypospadias, infantile fixation, infantilism, inversion, irritation, lagophthalmos, macrencephaly, macrocephaly, megacephaly, megalocephaly, megalohepatia, mental abnormality, microbrachia, microcephalus, microcephaly, molar pregnancy, nanocephaly, nanophthalmos, obliquity, pachycheilia, palmature, phimosis, pneumothorax, progeria, regression, retroflection, retroflexion, retroversion, sequela, spinal curvature, squint, strabismus, subnormality, torticollis, transposition, untypicality, varix, aberrance, wryneck, aberrancy, aberration