English language

How to pronounce alter in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms falsify, interpolate
Type of edit, redact
Type Words
Synonyms change, modify
Has types alienate, alkalinise, alkalinize, allegorise, allegorize, amalgamate, ameliorate, amend, americanise, americanize, angulate, animalise, animalize, animate, animise, animize, antiquate, antique, archaise, archaize, arouse, arterialise, arterialize, ash, assimilate, automate, automatise, automatize, awaken, barb, barbarise, barbarize, bear on, bear upon, beautify, bedim, beef up, begrime, bemire, bestialise, bestialize, bestow, better, blear, blind, blister, blot out, blunt, blur, boil, bolshevise, bolshevize, break, break down, break up, brighten, bring, brutalise, brutalize, bubble, calcify, camp, capture, cause to sleep, centralise, centralize, change intensity, change over, change taste, charge, chasten, check, chill, chord, circularize, civilise, civilize, clarify, classicise, classicize, clean, clear, clot, cloud, coagulate, coarsen, cohere, collimate, colly, color, color in, colorise, colorize, colour, colour in, colourise, colourize, commercialise, commercialize, commix, communise, communize, commute, compensate, complicate, concentrate, condense, confuse, constitutionalise, constitutionalize, contaminate, contract, contribute, conventionalise, conventionalize, convert, cook, cool, cool down, correct, corrupt, counterchange, crack, crush, cry, customise, customize, cut, damage, darken, de-emphasise, de-emphasize, deactivate, deaden, deaminate, deaminize, debase, debauch, decarboxylate, decelerate, decentralise, decentralize, decimalise, decimalize, deconcentrate, decorate, decrease, decrepitate, deflate, defog, deform, degauss, dehydrogenate, delay, demagnetise, demagnetize, demist, democratise, democratize, demonise, demonize, demoralise, demoralize, demulsify, demythologise, demythologize, denationalise, denationalize, denaturalise, denaturalize, denature, deodorise, deodorize, deodourise, depersonalise, depersonalize, depolarise, depolarize, deprave, depress, desensitise, desensitize, destabilise, destabilize, destress, detransitivise, detransitivize, devalue, develop, devilise, devilize, diabolise, diabolize, digitalise, digitalize, digitise, digitize, dinge, dirty, disable, disaffect, disarray, discolor, disenable, disharmonize, disintegrate, dismiss, disorder, disqualify, dissimilate, dissolve, dissonate, disturb, diversify, dizzy, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dope, draw, drop, dry, dry out, dull, dynamise, dynamize, ease off, ease up, edit, edit out, effeminise, effeminize, elaborate, elevate, embellish, embrittle, empty, emulsify, enable, end, energise, energize, envenom, equal, equalise, equalize, equate, eroticize, estrange, eternalise, eternalize, eternise, eternize, etherealize, etherialise, etiolate, europeanise, europeanize, evaporate, even, even out, exacerbate, exasperate, exchange, excite, expand, extend, exteriorise, exteriorize, externalise, externalize, fasten, fat, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, fecundate, feminise, feminize, fertilise, fertilize, fill, fill out, fill up, fix, flatten, flesh out, flocculate, form, fortify, freeze, frenchify, freshen, full, gear up, gelatinise, gelatinize, get, glamorise, glamorize, glamourise, glamourize, glorify, grace, grime, habituate, harmonise, harmonize, harshen, heat, heat up, hide, hue, humanise, humanize, humble, hydrogenate, immaterialise, immaterialize, immortalise, immortalize, impact, impart, improve, inactivate, incandesce, incapacitate, increase, indispose, individualise, individualize, industrialise, industrialize, inflate, inform, inseminate, inspissate, insulate, intensify, interchange, internationalise, internationalize, intransitivise, intransitivize, introvert, invalidate, invert, iodinate, ionate, islamise, islamize, isomerise, isomerize, lace, laicise, laicize, land, legitimate, lend, lessen, let up, liberalise, liberalize, lifehack, lift, lighten, lighten up, liquefy, liquidise, liquidize, liquify, loose, loosen, louden, lower, lubricate, magnetise, magnetize, make, make clean, make full, make grow, mark, market, masculinise, masculinize, match, mature, mechanise, mechanize, meliorate, merge, militarise, militarize, mince, mingle, minify, misdirect, mix, moderate, worsen, accustom, acerbate, acetylate, acetylise, acetylize, achromatise, achromatize, activate, add, adjust, adorn, aerate, affect, age, aggravate, alchemise, alchemize, alcoholise, alcoholize, void, volatilise, volatilize, vulgarise, vulgarize, wake, wake up, waken, warm, weaken, weaponize, westernise, westernize, wet, widen, womanize, accelerate, morph, muddy, mythicise, mythicize, mythologise, mythologize, nationalise, nationalize, naturalise, naturalize, nazify, neutralise, neutralize, nick, normalise, normalize, obfuscate, objectify, obliterate, obnubilate, obscure, occidentalise, occidentalize, officialise, officialize, opacify, opalise, opalize, opsonize, orientalise, orientalize, ornament, ossify, outmode, overcloud, overturn, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, oxygenise, oxygenize, paganise, paganize, pall, parallel, patent, perplex, personalise, personalize, pervert, piggyback, plasticise, plasticize, plump, plump out, poison, polarise, polarize, politicise, politicize, port, prepare, pressurise, pressurize, profane, professionalise, professionalize, proof, prostrate, purge, purify, put, radicalize, raise, rarefy, rarify, rationalise, rationalize, ready, reclaim, recombine, recommend, reconstruct, rectify, redact, redo, redress, reestablish, refine, reflate, reform, refresh, refreshen, regenerate, reinstate, relax, remodel, renormalise, renormalize, replace, restore, retard, reverse, revolutionise, revolutionize, right, ripen, romanticise, romanticize, round, round down, round off, round out, rouse, rusticate, sanctify, sanitise, sanitize, saponify, saturate, sauce, schematise, schematize, scramble, sensibilise, sensibilize, sensify, sensitise, sensitize, sentimentalise, sentimentalize, set, set aside, set up, sex up, sexualise, sexualize, shade, shake, shallow, shape, sharpen, shift, shoal, shorten, simplify, slenderise, slenderize, slow down, smut, sober, socialise, socialize, soften, soil, solemnise, solemnize, solvate, speed, speed up, spice, spice up, spike, spiritualize, sputter, stabilise, stabilize, stain, steepen, stiffen, still, straighten, straighten out, strengthen, string, subdue, sublimate, substitute, subtilize, suburbanise, suburbanize, subvert, suspend, supercharge, supple, sweeten, switch, symmetrise, symmetrize, synchronise, synchronize, tame, temper, tender, tenderise, tenderize, tense, terminate, territorialise, territorialize, thicken, think, tighten, tone down, touch, touch on, transaminate, transfigure, transform, transitivise, transitivize, translate, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate, turn, turn back, uglify, unclutter, undo, unfit, uniformise, uniformize, unify, unite, unsanctify, unscramble, unsex, unsubstantialise, unsubstantialize, untie, untune, urbanise, urbanize, validate, vaporise, variegate, vascularise, vascularize, veil, ventilate, verbify, vesiculate, virilise, virilize, visualise, visualize, vitalise, vitalize, vitiate, vitrify, vivify
Derivation alterable, alteration

The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city.
Type Words
Synonyms change, vary
Has types specialise, modulate, accommodate, widen, branch out, broaden, take in, alternate, break, avianise, crackle, honeycomb, jump, avianize, adapt, radiate, narrow down, narrow, move, diversify, let out, specialize
Type Words
Synonyms castrate, neuter, spay
Type of desexualise, sterilise, desex, sterilize, fix, unsex, desexualize
Has types defeminize, defeminise
Type Words
Type of change, modify
Derivation alterable, alteration

This dress needs to be altered.

Examples of alter

His thumb injury forced him to alter his grip to produce draws for extra length.
From the usatoday.com
Central States says it has no plans to alter benefits or employer contributions.
From the businessweek.com
A narco kingpin forcing a surgeon to alter his looks and help him evade the law?
From the latimes.com
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone alter soybean diseases at SoyFACE.
From the sciencedaily.com
At the same time, repinotan did not alter the pain-blocking effects of morphine.
From the sciencedaily.com
It would be unusual, though, for auditors to significantly alter their findings.
From the democratandchronicle.com
All edits are also nondestructive, meaning they do not alter the original image.
From the theepochtimes.com
It would also alter the political landscape for the 2012 presidential elections.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Amsden has had to alter some workouts because Levine has foot and knee injuries.
From the dailyherald.com
More examples
  • Change: cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
  • Change: become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"
  • Make an alteration to; "This dress needs to be altered"
  • Interpolate: insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
  • Remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
  • (altered) changed in form or character without becoming something else; "the altered policy promised success"; "following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization"; "he looked...with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing"- Charles Dickens
  • Alter is a 2002 album by Portland, Oregon band Floater. Strong self-destructive motifs and a desire to return to an earlier time period are present in many of Alter's songs.
  • The Alter Motor Car Company, of Plymouth, Michigan, produced over 1,000 automobiles between 1914 and 1916.
  • Alter is a lunar impact crater that is located in the northern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. It lies to the southwest of the larger crater Robertson, and to the east of Ohm.